Monday, June 8, 2020

Monday, June 8, 2020

3:50 pm
77 degrees
113,048 dead 

The protests against racism and police brutality continue. There was a huge march on Saturday, or rather, marches all over the world. 

Friday, June 5, 2020

Friday, June 5, 2020

68 degrees
108,849 deaths 

It is so blessedly cool today, thank goodness. The past three days have been so hot. I can't even imagine what it would be like to be protesting right now. And the protests go on. Vallejo was quiet last night, after police shot a man who had been looting, and who had his hands over his head, his back to the officers. Looting should not be an automatic death sentence. 

Today, as Trump talked about the jobs situation in the US, which of course is improving under him, he said:

“Hopefully George is looking down right now and saying, ‘This is a great thing that’s happening for our country. “This is a great day for him. It’s a great day for everybody.”

Yup. That is what he said, on the day of George Floyd's funeral, not that it would be acceptable at any time. 

Yesterday, more fencing was put up around the White House. So much for it being the people's house. Trump is hunkering down. What a coward.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

2:47 pm    91 degrees
approximately 108,000 dead

Hot hot hot today. The protests are ongoing. Vallejo summoned the National Guard last night. Looting was rampant along Sonoma Blvd and at the Plaza, where all the big box stores are.  Once again, fell asleep to buzzing helicopters overhead, and sirens all around. 

Second degree murder charges have been brought against Derek Chauvin, the officer who kneeled on George Floyd's neck and murdered him. Charges will brought against the other three officers involved. 

Barak Obama spoke to the nation today. It was the speech of a president - unifying and hopeful, yet acknowledging fully the injustice of racism in this country.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

3:08 pm

86 degrees 

107,846 dead

The world is burning. Protests against police continue, in the wake of the shooting of George Floyd last Monday. In hundreds of cities worldwide, people are peacefully gathering to protest how black people are treated by the police and in general. It’s about damn time. 

Vallejo is under curfew, as is much of the nation. Peaceful protests turn ugly when cops get pushy. Last night, peaceful protesters were pushed away from Lafayette Square, in front of the White House, by overeager cops and military police (military police - he basically declared martial law yesterday), so the president could walk across the street to historic St. John’s Church for a photo opportunity. He’s holding a bible. The most un spiritual man in the world is holding a bible. 

If we weren’t in a pandemic, there would be opportunities to gather with other people in coffee shops, restaurants, and stores. It would feel less frightening than it does right now, secluded and unemployed, to be around people in a normal setting.

As it is, I am on an island and I can’t get off. One day really is melting into the next. I wear the same clothes a few days in a row. I shower infrequently, after all who am I going to be around? If I know I am going to be around people, I do up my game hygiene wise. The people at the Coffee Curb know my order, because I am there every day at the same time. Coffee is pretty much all that gets me out of bed. Today, since it is hot, I got a huge cold brew. I am still drinking it. 

For the last several nights, I’ve fallen asleep to the sounds of sirens and helicopters. Police headquarters is a few blocks away, at Amador and Georgia. That’s pretty close to me. I am privileged enough to be hidden away in the back of a house in a quiet neighborhood, so I feel safe. People are looting stores like Target and Best Buy. There was a shooting last night. I just heard some explosives. It’s probably someone lighting firecrackers, but it could be bullets. 

So here we are, pretty much under martial law. Trump has threatened governors that if they can’t get their states under control, he will send in the military. And this is going over quite well with many people who are racist idiots. 

Amidst all the horrifying stories of the past few nights, there’s one that lifted my spirits. A man at 15th and Swann, in DC, took a slew, like 80 people into his house, to keep them safe from the police, who had chased them from in front of the White House. 

8:04 pm

Could watch only one episode of Downton Abbey before I had to be home in time for the 8:00 pm curfew. We are going to watch again on Thursday, but we're going to start an hour earlier.

It is so weird to be home this early. It is still light out, but darkness is coming and there are protesters at Georgia and Amador. The streets are quiet, except for there, because of the curfew.

Tomorrow, I am going to take a shower and lay in front of the fan for the afternoon, since it will be over 90. Or maybe I'll drive up toward the Russian River.

Jeez, I haven't even concentrated on the pandemic. Nearly 108,000 people have died, and Dr. Fauci hasn't been seen at the WH since May 18. Now, with these protests, people are crowded together and probably spreading the corona virus. Then there are the places that opened up too soon. So basically everyone.

Several helicopters are flying over head. Why must it be so martial? The protesters are peaceful.

Monday, August 25, 2020

Today, I had a very difficult time getting out of bed. Everything seems pointless. I don't know what to do with myself. The pandemic goe...