Saturday, April 4, 2020

No End in Sight

It is a grey and chilly morning. If I don't look at my phone, I can't tell what day it is. But I did look at my phone this morning, and it is Saturday. The days are blending into one, and since the peak of the virus isn't supposed to hit for two weeks, we are going to be sheltering in place for a long time. The schools are closed, but teachers are teaching on-line. In my opinion, we are in this for the long haul, likely not before the end of summer, if then. 

I do have a routine. I wake up around 10:30, lay in bed, looking at twitter; make coffee; drink coffee; talk on the phone and text; write a little; shower (or not); dress in real clothes (or not); drive around Vallejo (gas is 2.59/g); maybe go for a walk;come home; make dinner; listen to Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell, watch the late comics on YouTube, spend a bit more time on Twitter; fall asleep. It's sustainable Occasionally, I go to the grocery store or the gas station. 

Almost everyone around the world is doing the same thing. It is mind blowing. Since people have been under stay at home orders, the earth has been healing. Human beings have decimated the environment, and now, it's coming back. 

I thought I would be more freaked out about this, but I am handling isolation pretty well. I think it's because there is no pressure on me to do anything, because we are all doing the same thing. I am becoming more mindful, since being in the future does freak me out. I'm doing my best to stay grounded in today's reality. 

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Monday, August 25, 2020

Today, I had a very difficult time getting out of bed. Everything seems pointless. I don't know what to do with myself. The pandemic goe...