Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Things are getting worse every day. 140,000 humans have lost their lives because of the incompetence of this president and his administration. California has the highest number of cases in the nation, more than New York. Businesses are still shut down.It's not the only state with rising rates. Florida goes up every day, and their dimwitted governor won't close gyms, and wants to open schools in person in three week.

The pool is closed. I was swimming every day, and it was something I really looked forward to doing. Afterwards, I felt very calm. 

I don't feel that way today. I am waking up late, and getting out of the house only to get coffee and somewhere else other than my apartment with the 6 ft 5 in ceiling. The only things keeping me reasonably on track are cannabis and my friends and family. I haven't seen anyone except them and Pam, since the lock down began. 

My days are aimless. I am overwhelmed by what's going on in the world. I can't turn it off. I doom scroll through twitter 11 hours a day. I fear if i don't that everything will come crashing down. Looks like now it's crashing down without my help.

Trump announced today that he was sending federal troops into several cities, where he thinks mayors have lost control over the cities. So far, these troops have been showing up without anything to id them as legitimate troops. He's sending them in to quell violence, but they are initiating and perpetuating the violence against citizens who have a constitutional right to gather to protest.  

People are protesting the police violence in the death of George Floyd. There have been so many instances of violence at the hands of the police, mostly toward black people. And the troops are firing bullets and gas at them, including the mothers who have banded to aid the cause. 

Trump also asked the Ambassador to Great Britain to check with Scotland, to see if the British Open could be held at his resort in Scotland. 

And he wished a pedophile who is sitting in jail with information on him and his cronies. Just another average Tuesday and Wednesday. 

Gregory, Richard, and I are watching the Marvel series of movies on Disney Channel. I got that to see Hamilton, which was so wonderful and definitely relative to these times. 

My head hurts. I wish we had a super hero. I wish lightening would hit all the bad people. Unemployment runs out this weekend, and republicans won't vote for more, because they think it disincentivizes people to work.

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